Sunday, July 30, 2006

touch therapy

Earlier today, Quilin and I went to the local spa for a full-body massage. I've been looking forward to this for weeks now, and now I'm already looking forward to the next one. Such stress, this working life brings.

My new friends probably don't know that I'm an amateur masseur myself. I learned from my college friends, but actually my first performance dates back to my early childhood. My father would ask me to stand and walk on his back while he lies face down on his bed. Back then I didn't understand what it was for -- it even seemed strange to me, for I thought someone standing on your back would hurt.

I was only enlightened to the power of a good massage by the time I was in college. One day, I went to our org room with stress written all over me due to a previous all-nighter cramming for an academic requirement. One ate of mine was kind enough to offer me a back rub, and only then did I realize how good it felt.

Ever since then I've been trying to learn the art. It's amazing how much relief you can give to someone just by using your bare hands. After some time, I taught Quilin how to do it, so we could give each other a back rub. (It's the tragedy of the masseur/masseuse -- you can't give yourself a back rub)

It's one of the best things in life, and it's free -- well, sometimes it is. ^_^

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